27. cabecera tercer bosque

Third SIGAUS Forest

Located in the Natural Area of Lazarejo, a forested area of in the Madrid municipality of Las Rozas, the third SIGAUS Forest is now home to one thousand trees of the Pinus pinea (stone pine) species that will help to conserve the area and compensate CO2 emissions.

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This project was possible thanks to the thousands of users that participated in the online communication campaign 'We are looking for a Environmental Community Manager', an initiative through which, apart from continuing to plant trees, we launched a new challenge for users: to become a Environmental Community Manager in SIGAUS, adding to the diffusion of environmental care through the recovery and recycling of used industrial oils.

The planting, which was entirely funded by SIGAUS, is distributed through the areas of Playa de Laga and Playa del Sardinero, two public domains that form part of this natural area of Las Rozas, granted by the Town Hall of Las Rozas through the collaboration agreement signed on 19 September 2013 by SIGAUS and the Mayor of Las Rozas, José Ignacio Fernández Rubio.

With this project, we achieved a double challenge: to plant 1,000 new trees with the objective of contributing towards environmental improvements and to provide a work opportunity to one of the participants who became an Environmental Community Manager as part of our communication team, participating in the distribution of good practices for collection and recycling of the used industrial oils and environmental protection through the various communication channels that the Entity has online.

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1,000 new trees in the Third SIGAUS Forest contribute to environmental improvement.

A walk through the Third SIGAUS Forest

In a space of 32,439.18 m2, one thousand pine trees are already growing, one of the species that is most capable of absorbing carbon dioxide: 60 kg of CO2 after 20 years per foot(12). It is characterised as a very resistant tree that supports a lack of water and high temperatures. Slow to grow, it can reach 25 metres in height and an average age of 200 years. In its adult state, this tree is characterised by a rounded and short shape similar to an umbrella, which is very useful for creating areas of shade.

15. Botón Tercer Bosque SIGAUS

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