12 cabecera distributiva COMUNICACIÓN

The SIGAUS Forests already add 12,000 trees

1,000 new trees are already growing in the twelfth SIGAUS Forest located in Guadarrama, which are added to another 11,000 trees of the SIGAUS Forests project growing in various municipalities of the Community of Madrid and in the city of Toledo.

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The SIGAUS Environmental Classroom kicks off the school year with courses at the UPM and UCM





44 - Campañas


In our intention to create social awareness, the communication campaigns become especially important, both in the digital scope and in conventional communication, aimed towards our groups of interest: Public Administrations, manufacturers, producers of the waste, management companies and society in general. We address all of these with one key message: respect for the environment and the great benefits provided to us by correct management of used industrial oil.

8 Distributiva COMUNICACIÓN. Redes sociales.

We focus on communication on social media, where we promote environmental awareness and dialogue through our social profiles on the importance of managing used oil.

11 - pie comunicación

Did you know...?

We contribute towards compensating the CO2 emission by planting forests, created thanks to the thousands of users that participate in our internet communication campaigns.