27. Cabecera Séptimo Bosque SIGAUS

Seventh SIGAUS Forest
Thanks to a new environmental awareness campaign, the Seventh SIGAUS Forest is growing in the Madrid town of Colmenar Viejo, home to 1,000 stone pines that will help offset CO2 emissions.24. Párrafo. Séptimo Bosque
The planting of this new green space has been linked to our first exclusive environmental awareness campaign for Twitter, ‘#1tuit1arbol’, in which by simply posting a hashtag, users could christen one of the trees of the Seventh SIGAUS Forest. This initiative registered more than 3,000 participants and went viral on social media thanks to the fact that is was shared by various prominent figures from the environmental sector and from the world of entertainment and TV.
This forest was made possible thanks to the agreement between SIGAUS and the municipality of Colmenar Viejo, through which we committed to planting 1,000 stone pines and which adds to the ‘Haces más de lo que crees’ initiative (You do more than you think), which acknowledges the work of citizens who actively participate in their outreach and awareness campaigns on Social Media and who contribute to the defence of the environment as consumers. With this forest plantation, we’re also adding to the ‘Colmenarbol 2020’ project, through which the Colmenar Viejo City Council is committing to planting 10,500 new trees before 1 January 2020.
32. Párrafo cita Séptimo Bosque
The planting of the Seventh SIGAUS Forest has been linked to our first exclusive environmental awareness campaign for Twitter, ‘#1tuit1arbol.
A forest plantation of stone pines
The Seventh SIGAUS Forest is already growing in a space of almost 25,000 square metres on a municipal plot located in the neighbourhood of Santa Teresa, between Avenida Adolfo Suárez and Avenida del Mediterráneo. It comprises 1,000 trees of the species Pinus pinea (stone pine), one of the most effective species in terms of offsetting greenhouse gases, as it can absorb up to 60 kg of CO2 per foot at 20 years. These trees can reach a height of up to 30 metres and their treetops are round and flat, and therefore provide very good shade, thanks to them clustering together and forming a dense and tight canopy.