27. Cabecera Noveno Bosque

Ninth SIGAUS Forest
The inhabitants of the city of Toledo can now enjoy this new green space of 1,000 Aleppo pines, one of the most efficient species in absorbing CO2 and which, in their adult age, will contribute to cleaning our air and improve the quality of life of the people of Toledo.24. Párrafo página noveno Bosque SIGAUS
The planting of the Ninth SIGAUS Forest has been made possible thanks to the agreement reached with the city council of Toledo for the creation of this new green space of 1,000 Aleppo pines, which can be added to the 8,000 trees already planted in different locations around Madrid, within the framework of our reforestation and environmental awareness project ‘SIGAUS Forests’.
This initiative has been made possible thanks to the participation of more than 4,400 social media users in the ‘Plant Life with Mr. Tree’ campaign. In this, participants had to be creative in designing a virtual tree, which they also had to name. The first 1,000 participants saw their Mr. Trees come to life in the Ninth SIGAUS Forest, where they were photographed and labelled with their chosen name so they could be visited virtually on the SIGAUS Forests website.
32. Párrafo cita página Noveno Bosque
With this new green space, we have now planted 9,000 trees in the Madrid surroundings thanks to our "SIGAUS Forests" project, with which we’re promoting environmental awareness and the fight against climate change.
This campaign joins other environmental awareness initiatives carried out on our social media platforms which stress values such as the protection of our environment and natural resources, and with which we try to involve users.
1,000 trees to protect our air
The Ninth SIGAUS Forest is located on a 3.3-hectare plot of land on calle Juan de Vergara in the La Legua neighbourhood. This new green space, which will provide shady, leisure-oriented areas for residents, joins other parks and gardens in this growing neighbourhood.
The forest comprises 1,000 trees of the Aleppo pine species, one of the most efficient species in terms of offsetting greenhouse gases, as it can absorb up to 31 kg of CO2 per foot at 20 years. This type of tree can reach up to 20 metres in height in adulthood, and is characterised by a tortuous trunk with greyish or whitish bark and twigs.