(27) Cabecera Quiénes son fabricantes

Who are the manufacturers

For the effects of the establishments of Royal Decree 679/2006, 'manufacturers' are considered to be all economic agents that place industrial oils, affected by said Royal Decree, on the Spanish market, whether they are material manufacturers of the same or dealers, importers or intracommunity purchasers. This includes both companies that sell the oil directly and those that sell it as part of equipment, industrial machinery or vehicles.

(08) Cita-introducción tipología fabricantes

Royal Decree 679/2006, regulating the management of used industrial oils, affects a broad spectrum of companies that are considered "manufacturers" for the purposes of this law.

04 Tipología de fabricantes

Manufacturer typology

Oil/Refining company

Companies in the oil sector, with refining activity in Spain or outside the country.

Manufacturer dealer

Companies that have a blending plant for lubricant oils in Spain or outside the country.

Replacement networks

Companies that distribute oil in their own network or independent car repairs, purchase groups or fleet maintenance networks.

Vehicle manufacturer

Companies that manufacture or import vehicles, motorcycles as well as oils for post-sales and maintenance.

Retailers/large distribution

Distribution to the consumer, quick mechanics, department stores, online sales, professional tool catalogues.

Manufacturer of machinery
and equipment goods

Distribution of machinery, industry sectors, civil engineering, agriculture, forest, pumps, refrigeration, metal work, robots and medicine.

Lubricant distributor

Single-brand or multi-brand lubricant distribution.

(24) Bloque texto 1. Quiénes son fabricantes

All companies that place industrial oils on the Spanish market for the first time that are included in the scope of Royal Decree 679/2006, or devices, components, equipment, vehicles or machinery containing the same, whether manufactured in Spain or imported, are 'manufacturers' for the effects of the establishments of the mentioned used oil regulations (Royal Decree 679/2006) and, therefore, are subject to a series of legal obligations regarding the management of used oils, how to take charge of the collection and correct management of the used oil resulting from their products. This obligation includes the guarantee of environmentally correct management of the waste, complying with the ecological objectives established by the regulation, and the funding of the costs derived from the same.

The manufacturers subject to this regulation can comply with these obligations in two ways: individually, taking responsibility for an amount of waste equivalent to that generated by the lubricant they commercialise, and delivering it to managers that provide suitable treatment, or collectively, through participation in an integrated management system such as SIGAUS.

(32) Primera puesta en el mercado. Fabricantes

"Oil placed on the domestic market for the first time" is that which is the subject of a commercial transaction documented in the Spanish State for the first time.

Some companies market industrial oils with their own brand (especially in the case of "white labels"), manufactured materially by other companies, in Spain or abroad.

According to the legislation, the "producer" would be the white label. However, in this case, SIGAUS we have provided a process by which membership of the IMS can be performed by the material producer/importer of the product (on behalf of the marketer, and informing the IMS which companies manufacture what quantities of oil) or the company that sells it under its own brand can adhere directly.

(11) Pie páginas fabricantes

Used oil in Spain

Cabañeros National Park. Castilla-La Mancha.
With an area of 40,856 ha, it is located in the heart of the Toledo Mountains. We collected more than 7,000 kg of used oil from the towns around the park.