49. Cabecera noticia web Taller Colaborador

The SIGAUS Partner Car Repair Programme launches new website

The new website of this initiative, joined by 3,000 car repairs, includes a new and more attractive design according to the latest graphic trends, and it offers a clearer information structure as well as a nicer display on mobile devices. The new Partner Car Repair website offers, amongst other additions, specific audiovisual content about car repairs or data about collection services.


24. Párrafo noticia web Taller Colaborador

A more modern and attractive design, as well as simpler and more accessible information structure, are the two major principles on this new SIGAUS Car Repair Partner Programme website, (www.tallercolaborador.sigaus.es), which has also been designed as “Responsive” to ensure its display on mobile devices.

Apart from the renovated design, this website offers specific audiovisual content that car repairs can use to know how SIGAUS offers a universal collection system of used oil all over Spain that serves 40,000 shops in our country with over 100,000 collections each year.

32. Párrafo cita.web Taller Colaborador

The SIGAUS Collaborating Workshop Program helps these establishments to offer their clients an image that is committed to the environment, transmitting their important work as consumers.

In order for this collection service to be offered for free, used oil has to comply with several specifications that can be checked in this website. Good practices that must be followed by car repairs during the extraction and manipulation of the residue, the applicable legislation as producers of used oil or the network of management companies that cooperate with SIGAUS, are also contents included in the new web.

Supporting car repairs on their communications

Through the Car Repair Partner Programme, joined by 3,000 registered shops, SIGAUS aims to help car repairs show their clients their compromise with the environment, showing them their important contribution as consumers and the environmental benefits achieved with it.

Car repairs joining this initiative, something that can be done for free filling out the form at the web site, receive a specific signage kit to help them show their clients the purpose of the 0.05€ fee they pay with each oil change and which initiates the used oil management cycle.