49. Cabecera noticia Informe de Progreso

SIGAUS renews its commitment to the UN Global Compact through a new Progress Report

Through this document, published for the sixth consecutive year, the Entity reports on the measures adopted in 2018 in line with the Ten Principles of the United Nations in the field of human rights, the fight against corruption and the protection of the environment, among other matters. One new feature is that each of the initiatives included in the Report is linked to one of the 17 SDGs introduced by the UN.


24. Párrafo noticia Informe de Progreso 2018

As a signatory entity of the United Nations Global Compact since 2011, and as an exercise of transparency towards its partners, SIGAUS has published its sixth Progress Report in which it gives an account of the actions carried out in 2018 that have contributed to smarter and more sustainable development. In line with the 2030 Agenda and as a new feature in this Report, the sustainability initiatives contained therein are linked to one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, devised to address the main problems of our world.

“Throughout 2018, SIGAUS has continued to implement the Ten Principles of the Global Compact in its entire strategy, marked by the pillars of efficiency, universality and transparency, and above all, by the firm commitment to ensure an environment free from the negative effects of a waste as polluting as used industrial oil,” stated Eduardo de Lecea, General Director of SIGAUS, in his commitment renewal letter included in the report.

Among the most outstanding actions of 2018 are those relating to prevention, as evidenced by the more than 5,300 actions whose development and implementation has been promoted by SIGAUS since 2010: aimed at extending the useful life of lubricants, developing less polluting oils, as well as marketing lubricants whose formulas include regenerated based lubricants. These measures have enabled to reduce the amount of used oil generated and its adverse impact on our environment.

32. Párrafo cita noticia Informe de Progreso 2018

Throughout 2018, SIGAUS has continued to implement the Ten Principles of the Global Compact in its entire strategy, marked by the pillars of efficiency, universality and transparency.

Likewise, through the rigorous application of its Code of Ethics and Competition by all SIGAUS employees and Corporate Governance, this Report reflects the adoption of other measures relating to strict compliance with national and international legislation, policies for attracting and retaining talent, employee non-discrimination, and the fight against corruption.

As regards environmental protection, the Report points out how in 2018, through its work, SIGAUS was able to serve more than 69,000 establishments that produced used oil, establishments that were distributed among more than 4,800 municipalities, through 177,000 collection operations. These figures show that 100% of the waste produced in our country is collected and recovered, thanks to the collaboration of the IMS with more than 150 management companies and 194 management facilities.

In addition, in 2018 we achieved the highest rate of regenerated waste of the past decade: a total of 100,321 tonnes, 72.43% of the total renewable used oils, thus exceeding, by 7 percentage points, the minimum established by law (65%). Thanks to this, SIGAUS has continued on the Circular Economy path, returning to the market more than 66,000 tonnes of new lubricants that prevented the emission of 300,000 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere CO2.

15. Botón Informe de Progreso 2018