49. Cabecera noticia Cuota de mercado 2019

SIGAUS represents 84.21% of the lubricants market, and assumes an additional 2.85%

The most recent independent study on the market share represented by lubricants, placed on the market by their member companies, with respect to the total marketed in Spain reveals a situation very similar to that of the previous study: SIGAUS’ market share is 84.21% (84.19% last year). As majority IMS, SIGAUS voluntarily assumes an additional percentage, which has grown from 2.19% to 2.85%, corresponding to industrial oils from unidentified manufacturers. Overall, SIGAUS is responsible, from 1 January 2020, for 87.06% of the used oil generated in Spain, and subject to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).


24. Párrafo noticia cuota de mercado 2019

Once again this year, the study by the consultancy firm, PwC, analyses the different fractions of lubricant consumption in Spain, in order to obtain a picture of the market to help define the financial responsibility of the different actors, with regard to the management of used oil.

The study, which was carried out in the first months of 2020, based on 2019 data, concludes that the marketing of lubricants amounted to 455,861 t, 1.5% less than last year. Excluding the industrial oils to which the ERP does not apply (greases, process oils and marine oils, which remain at around 18%), the industrial oils subject to ERP were 375,125 t. Of these, some 345,000 t were marketed as actual lubricants, while another 30,000 t were placed on the market as part of imported vehicles, equipment and components.

32. Párrafo cita noticia cuota de mercado 2019

From 1 January 2020, SIGAUS is responsible for 87.06% of the used oil generated in Spain. 

In turn, about 20,000 tons of industrial oils were exported; mainly oils for the first filling of vehicles, with 354,435 tons of lubricants remaining on the national market, which generate used oil management obligations for the agents who placed them on the market. This is 0.8% less than a year ago, in line with the trend of all the larger magnitudes of the report.

The study analyses the different shares of responsibility in this total amount. In this sense, the marketing of industrial oils by the companies adhered to SIGAUS represented 84.21%, while, in order of magnitude, the share corresponding to SIGPI (IMS of Independent Producers) was 6.53%. For their part, the share of responsibility of vehicle manufacturers (oils for the first filling of vehicles, or their components, which generate used oil in Spain, under Royal Decree 110/2015) was 5.24%.

As it has been doing since it started operations, SIGAUS has decided to take on the share corresponding to unidentified manufacturers that do not belong to any of the other fractions analysed, called ‘free riders’ (part of the ‘fraudulent’ sector). This share has increased from 2.19% to 2.85%.

As a result, the market share assumed by SIGAUS and, consequently, the percentage of used oil whose management they have to finance is, as of 1 January 2020, 87.06%, 0.62% more than the previous year.

24. Gráfico cuota de mercado