49. Cabecera noticia memoria 2023
Details of the SIGAUS model’s efficiency in its new Sustainability Report
The report features a summary of SIGAUS’ 2023 activity in the economic, environmental and social spheres, highlighting the variation and reduction (for the first time in 17 years) of the contribution for waste oil management and the fulfilment of ecological targets, among other milestones. The 2023 Sustainability Report is presented in an innovative and highly visual format balancing design and technology to offer an immersive, 100% digital and interactive experience.
24. Parrafo noticia Memoria 2023
The new Report, available on the website http://memoria2023.sigaus.es, provides a detailed analysis of SIGAUS’ activities during 2023, with specific sections on the lubricants market, waste oil management, communications activities and CSR projects underway. For example, the report details how, in 2023, 131,000 t of waste oil were managed and transformed into lubricant bases and fuel for industrial use, allowing for major environmental benefits to be achieved (compared to if these products had been obtained from oil refining): 33 million barrels not consumed, 1,329 GWh saved and 84,000 t of CO2 not emitted.
32. Parrafo cita noticia Memoria 2023
As something new, the CEO’s Report, by Eduardo de Lecea, is included this year in a video format, where SIGAUS management’s key 2023 achievements and figures are presented.
As something new, the CEO’s Report, by Eduardo de Lecea, is included this year in a video format, where SIGAUS management’s key achievements and figures for 2023 are presented, in which SIGAUS once again implemented the industrial oil Circular Economy, collecting and recovering 100% of waste, going to every generating point in any corner of the territory, and meeting the ecological targets established by regulations.
‘We dedicate 100% of our revenue to environmental protection, and we align management financing with market conditions. Thus, for the first time in 17 years, we have varied and reduced the contribution of our member companies, from €60 to €50 per tonne,’ noted Eduardo de Lecea in his report. The CEO of SIGAUS also highlights how experience in waste oil management has given the company significant added value in meeting the challenge of commercial and industrial packaging waste management, which will come into full effect on 1 January 2025; a challenge that will be undertaken by GENCI, the SEPRS (Extended Producer Responsibility Collective System) created by SIGAUS for managing this type of waste.
84. Html video memoria Informe DG 2023
24. Parrafo noticia memoria 2023 (II)
An innovative, interactive digital experience
The 2023 Sustainability Report is presented in a completely new format with respect to previous years, redefining the way in which these types of corporate reports are presented and consumed. Browsing and interaction of a website is combined with the consultation of a paginated digital publication, offering a more engaging user experience. Specifically, this new format offers:
- An accessible and readable design for all devices, such as computers, tablets, and mobile phones.
- A variety of graphics, animated infographics, and visual effects to help understand the information.
- Panoramic images and videos enrich the visual experience making reading more engaging.
- Clickable elements, such as pop-ups or external links, which allow for information to be expanded in a quick and easy way.
In line with this new format, which offers a better visual experience, the report includes a 3D model of waste oil management, where, starting from an infographic of the entire process, it is possible to access models of its different phases (such as a garage, an industry or a regeneration plant), where the user can interact with the 360º visualisation and consult additional information at various points.