49. Cabecera noticia Memoria 2018

SIGAUS’ “footprints” guide their new Sustainability Report

A journey through the various footprints left by SIGAUS in their environment is the main theme of the Organisation’s Sustainability Report, which explains the positive impacts throughout 2018 in terms of their activity as well as their economic, environmental, social, informative and technological development. As a new initiative, the report features key added value this year: the exclusive signatures of seven women experts in different fields that converge on sustainable development and that incorporate their point of view into SIGAUS’ work in each of those areas. The Report is available on a website created for this purpose: www.memoria2018.sigaus.es


24. Párrafo noticia Memoria 2018

Seven leading female professionals, experts in different fields relating to the economy, the environment, technology, information and social responsibility, are contributing their vision on sustainable development this year, explaining how each of them, from their position, help to promote this development in fields relating to SIGAUS’ activities. In this way, the SIGAUS 2018 Sustainability Report highlights the decisive role of women in moving forward towards a more innovative and intelligent economic and management model, in which aspects such as research, environmental protection or social commitment prevail.

Niurka Sancho, Director of lubricants, base oils and paraffin waxes for CEPSA; Cristina Gallach, High Commissioner in Spain for the 2030 Agenda; Doctors and University Professors including Asunción Arner, from the University of Zaragoza or Elena Mañas, Director of the CSR Chair of the University of Alcalá de Henares; Clara Eugenia García, Spanish representative in the European Union in the field of Innovation and Research; Paloma Domingo, General Director of FECYT, the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology; and Mónica López, Director of TVE Weather Services, provide interesting analyses on their different professional fields, linked to the areas covered by SIGAUS in its most recent Sustainability Report 2018.

Leading the chapter that introduces the purpose and work of SIGAUS as an Organisation, the Vice President of SIGAUS, Niurka Sancho, refers to the real sustainable model of Circular Economy driven by this System, from its creation in 2007 and through its evolution as a mechanism that has been perfected to provide added value to all the agents involved in the life cycle of lubricant oils “thanks to values such as professionalism, transparency, adaptability and, above all, environmental responsibility”.

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In addition to being published via a micro-site, the Report has a 36-page printed summary that includes 6 info graphics and a management report with all the activity carried out by SIGAUS last year.

Supporting the section in which SIGAUS talks about their values, the High Commissioner in Spain for the 2030 Agenda, Cristina Gallach, highlights the need for entities such as SIGAUS, “committed to the promotion and dissemination of the SDGs”, to incorporate the 2030 Agenda into their business strategy “so that the changes are structural and not superficial”, also measuring their performance in compliance with such goals, as well as“establishing clear objectives transversely towards each and every one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established”.

In terms of the Economic Footprint, Doctor of Economics and Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Zaragoza, Asunción Arner, highlights efficiency and flexibility in a changing market as fundamental pillars for proper waste management and a financing system sustainable over time, which has contributed in 2018, to record, “for the third consecutive year, an increase in the amount of waste oil collected and recovered through energy regeneration and energy recovery operations”.

“The progress in R&D applied to environmental protection and the development of the Circular Economy requires public-private collaboration and the active participation and complicity of society as a whole. Action is necessary, but so is a new narrative that motivates this change, as well as meeting points and channels that encourage dialogue”, says Clara Eugenia García, Minister of Science and Innovation in the Permanent Representation of Spain in the EU (REPER, who signs the introduction to the chapter on Environmental Footprint.

In this sense, Elena Mañas, Director of the CSR Chair of the University of Alcalá, one of the first in Spain to have a professorship in this area, and who leads the analysis of the Social Footprint of SIGAUS, agrees on the key role of organisations (companies, Public Administrations, third-sector entities and Universities) in “establishing alliances and committing to the local and global environment, with a broad and long-term vision, to become true agents of change”.

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In order to contribute to this, Mónica López, the Director of TVE Weather Services, and one of the most active voices on television in raising awareness of the fight against climate change, refers to the importance of disseminating information. And the fact is, “support from the media is essential in this process, they must emphasise the importance of environmental news”, she says, pointing out that “the dissemination of this information should be considered crucial and treated as a topic of unavoidable social responsibility", she says in her introduction to the chapter on Informative Footprint.

Finally, the Technological Footprint of SIGAUS is supported by the opinion of the General Director of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), Paloma Domingo, who states that “digital transformation involves highly significant progress in the knowledge of our environment and, therefore, greater capacity for analysis and understanding when it comes to more accurate decision making”.

This commitment to digital has translated, for the third consecutive year, into the publication of the 2018 Sustainability Report in web format, through the micro-site www.memoria2018.sigaus.es, from which it is possible to carry out a simple journey through the main achievements of the Organisation and the key management figures of the past year, starting with a video en el que, in which a first-person narrative explains the year’s main milestones. .

There is also a 36-page printed Executive Summary in which, in addition to the General Director's Report and other content, several info graphics show the main management data of 2018 in a highly visual manner.

As is custom for SIGAUS since 2012, the Sustainability Report has been drafted under the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), in accordance with the “GRI Standards”, the most widely recognised international standard for this type of document, and has been verified by the auditing firm Ernst & Young.

15. Botón Flipbook Memoria 2018