49. Cabecera noticia informes oficiales 2018

SIGAUS closes 2018 with 141,300 tonnes of managed waste oils and the return to the market of almost 67,000 t of lubricants

The Entity has just presented its Official Reports to the relevant bodies in the various CC.AA. and the Ministry for Ecological Transition (MITECO), which give a detailed account of all the management figures of the residue in 2018. For the first time, these documents have been prepared with a Business Intelligence tool (Microsoft Power BI), thus providing greater agility and consistency in the processing of data.


24. Párrafo Informes Oficiales 2018 (1)

A total of 194 management facilities, including 9 new installations that were added in 2018 to the wide SIGAUS management network throughout Spain, corresponding to 155 companies with contract or agreement with the Entity, made it possible to ensure during the past year the collection and correct treatment of practically all the industrial oil used at any point in Spain, thus ensuring compliance with the environmental objectives established by law.

As reflected in these reports that SIGAUS presents each year in electronic format to all the CC.AA, -and that for the Entity are the main tool with which to inform the Public Administrations on its work during the previous year-, it collected this residue in 2018 from about 69,400 productive facilities distributed in 4,817 towns across Spain. The SIGAUS Technological Information System (SIT) registered 176,800 different operations for the collection and treatment, supported by more than 195,000 informative statements and close to 160,000 automated official documents, that ensured a thorough control of both the generation and management of used oil in Spain.

These reports also detail the relationship of the companies associated with SIGAUS of which there were 234 at the end of 2018, - with 15 new adhesions that represent a net increase of 3.54%-, reflecting the evolution of the market of industrial oils during the last 5 years. On the other hand, the management facilities are listed that were contracted by SIGAUS and which participated in the collection and processing of used oil. The reports also detail the gross and net management data of the residue or the treatments applied to the collected used oil. In this sense, the gross amount of residue collected in 2018 was 167,972 tonnes, of which nearly half (42%) came from establishments in the automotive sector, and 34% from industrial facilities. The remaining 25% came from various activities, such as agriculture, commerce, hotels, or construction, amongst others.

After the removal of foreign materials, such as water or sediments, contained in the gross residue collected - and that are separated to facilitate the final management -, the net amount recovered by SIGAUS last year was 141,297 tonnes, a volume with which it would be possible to fill an industrial cylindrical  tank of 10 m diameter and almost 2,000 m in height, the equivalent to 20.8 times the height of the Big Ben Tower in London.

32. Párrafo cita - Informes Oficiales 2018

In 2018 the amount of regenerated residue was the highest of the last decade; a total of 100,321 tons, 72.43% of the total recyclable waste oils.

Record of regeneration in 2018

In 2018 the amount of regenerated residue was the highest of the last decade; a total of 100,321 tons, 72.43% of the total recyclable waste oils. This percentage implies not only the fulfilment of the regeneration objective established by article 8 of the Royal Decree 679/2006 (which is 65%) but surpasses it by 7 percentage points.

Thanks to the regeneration treatment, SIGAUS made it possible in 2018 to save the atmosphere from a total of 300,962 tonnes of CO2, the equivalent of absorption by a forest of poplars during 30 years over an extension of 1,120 hectares. This is in addition to the significant savings of raw materials as almost 67,000 tons of lubricants were returned to the market, which could serve to fill the crankcase of more than 16 million passenger cars; all the vehicles that could be parked in 23,900 football fields.

The quantity of waste oil processed as fuel for industrial energy use, for example in thermal power generation plants, cement plants, paper mills, or marine equipment, amounted to 39,230 tonnes, an amount that allowed the generation of 425 GWh of energy, equivalent to the electrical consumption of nearly 122,000 homes.

24. Párrafo Informes Oficiales 2018 (2)

These Official Reports also indicate the actions carried out by the companies associated with SIGAUS to minimise the environmental impact of lubricants, following the guidelines of the III Business Plan of Prevention (PEP), that the Entity presented to the CC.AA. in 2018, and that is valid until 2021. In summary, 171 of the 210 companies that signed the III PEP, declared 872 effective prevention actions divided between the seven Lines of Prevention considered in the Plan.

In line with the SIGAUS commitment to transparency, the Official Reports also collected information on the review and control activities carried out over the past year to verify the data provided both by the associated companies as well as by the authorised managers. In the same way, the Official Reports include the report on the Study of the Lubricants Market in Spain 2017, independently conducted by PwC, and from which the percentage representing the industrial oils associated with SIGAUS is calculated with respect to all the total industrial oils affected by the regulations of Extended Producer Responsibility, of which SIGAUS was made responsible, and that was applied in 2018 as market share.