49. Cabecera noticia cuota de mercado 2024
The market share assumed by SIGAUS remains at 89%
The latest independent study carried out on the market for industrial oils consumed in Spain in 2023 updates the fraction of oils sold by companies affiliated with SIGAUS, which stands at 86.01% of the total. Furthermore, as a majority system, SIGAUS also voluntarily assumes the percentage of lubricants sold by unidentified manufacturers, an amount that represents an additional 3.10%. Overall, from 1 January 2024, SIGAUS covers the financing of 89.11% of the management of the waste oil generated in Spain, and subject to Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).
24. Parrafo noticia cuota de mercado 2024
In accordance with the regulations governing waste oil management, the companies that manufacture and market lubricating oils are responsible for financing the appropriate management of the waste generated when these products reach the end of their useful life. Given that, due to the characteristics of this waste, it is not possible to establish a connection between waste oil and the manufacturers that have sold industrial oils, SIGAUS annually commissions independent market studies that allow it to identify the structure of the market and define the share represented by its affiliated companies.
According to the study carried out by the consulting firm PwC at the start of 2024 based on 2023 data, the share represented by the companies affiliated with SIGAUS is very similar to that of the previous study, with a decrease of 0.13 percentage points to 86.01%. As for the total market, there is a slightly upward trend with 438,927 t, an increase of 1.5% over 2022, but 3.7% below the pre-pandemic level in 2019, when the market reached 455,861 t.
After discounting grease, and marine oils subject to the MARPOL Convention and process (which are excluded from the application of Extended Producer Responsibility, or EPR) the quantity of lubricating oils subject to EPR in 2023 was 354,010 tonnes, according to this study. Furthermore, after discounting industrial oils destined for the market outside of Spain, mainly in vehicles whose first fill is carried out in Spain and which are subsequently exported, the total of industrial oils sold in Spain and subjected to EPR was 334,453 t, a figure very similar to that of 2022 (335,170 t).
32. Parrafo cita noticia cuota de mercado 2024
As of 1 January 2024, SIGAUS will finance 89.11% of the management of the waste oil generated in Spain, and subject to EPR.
Within the oils subject to EPR in Spain, in addition to the share corresponding to oils sold by SIGAUS-affiliated companies, the study analyses various segments. Next in order of importance is SIGPI (IMS of Independent Producers), which accounts for 6.24%. For their part, the relative share of vehicle manufacturers subject to Royal Decree 265/2021, which regulates oils for the first fill of vehicles, or their components, was 3.78%, while manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment are responsible for 0.72%.
The study also analyses the share of free riders, manufacturers not identified or included in any of the other segments, who would be in a fraudulent situation with respect to the waste oil regulation. This share, amounting to 3.10% (two hundredths more than in the previous study), is voluntarily assumed by SIGAUS, due to its status as the majority Shared Extended Producer Responsibility Systems (SEPRS). This 3.10%, together with the share of affiliated manufacturers (86.01%) determines the new market share taken on by SIGAUS (89.11%) which is the percentage of waste oil generated in Spain whose management SIGAUS has been financing retroactively since 1 January 2024.
84. Html grafico cuota de mercado 2024