49 cabecera noticia Carrera del Taller 2018

The 8th Edition of the Workshop Run will be celebrated again with the support of SIGAUS

A new edition of the Workshop Run is about to be celebrated, the eighth already, which promotes the responsible maintenance of vehicles as a fundamental element to guarantee road safety. This initiative will again avail of support from SIGAUS, the Spanish entity that manages used industrial oils and that continues to demonstrate its commitment to the car repair sector, fundamental allies in the task of protecting the environment from this hazardous waste.


24 Párrafo Noticia Carrera del Taller 2018

The scenario for this popular race, which will be held on March 18th, will again be Valdebebas, in Madrid, and yet again SIGAUS wants to be present to demonstrate its support of the after-sales sector and the work carried out in each edition for awareness through an initiative that highlights the importance of responsible vehicle maintenance and protection of the environment.

This year, the Workshop Run for Road Safety and Responsible Mobility has updated its "EcoRunner Guide for environmentally responsible runners and drivers". These runners are aware of the impact of this type of race (3,500 are celebrated in our country each year) and how their attitude and behaviour influences the conservation of the surroundings that these sporting events move through.

32 párrafo cita Noticia Carrera del Taller 2018

The 8th edition of this race will also joint the institutional support from entities such as the Directorate General of Traffic (DGT), the Spanish Association of Entities that Collaborate with the Administration for Technical Inspection of Vehicles (AECA-ITV), Stop Accidents and the Decade of Action for Road Safety by the UN.

For this reason, SIGAUS again supported the re-edition of this Guide prepared in collaboration with Fundación MAPOMA, SIGNUS and Powerade, which describes some of the habits by runners with the greatest impact on the surroundings where these races take place, such as their preferences for public transport to reach the race wherever possible, the respect for surrounding garden areas and the spaces provided by the organisation, or the adequate management of the waste generated: lids, plastic bottles or gel packs, among others.

This Guide continues with the series initiated by the catalogue of vehicle maintenance advice “Take care of your car, take care of yourself” and the e-book “Running between cars: Guide for Pedestrian Runners and the Responsible Driver”, and includes messages from famous athletes such as Zuriñe Rodríguez, Jesús España and Arturo Casado, who encourage runners to continue to practice the sport while respecting the environment, and gives examples of good practice from the organisers of some popular races.

With this new Workshop Run, organised by ASETRA (Association of Repair Garage Entrepreneurs of Madrid) and CONEPA (Spanish Federation of Automotive Entrepreneurial Professionals), there have now been eight editions that availed of SIGAUS’ support, which considers this type of initiative to be fundamental in order to distribute, among professionals in the sector and citizens, the social benefits provided by taking care and responsible maintaining vehicles, both for road safety and for protection of the environment and the economy.